Saturday, September 26, 2015

Permission Granted

I've been thinking about starting a new blog for months now. I've got a list of excuses which cycle through my head for why this is a terrible idea, but I've also been listening to a lot of podcasts and reading a lot of books and doing a lot of thinking and I have concluded that I just need to do it already and get it out of my system.

Yes, this IS the most confident and inspiring way to start a blog like, ever.

Before I begin, I want to share my OFFICIAL BLOG PERMISSION SLIP, which I have written for myself because this is my blog and I make the rules. I got this exercise from Brené Brown in her e-course on "The Gifts of Imperfection," which I am only a couple of weeks into and love (more on this in future posts I am sure). I've been writing myself permission slips for all kinds of stuff, including this blog. It's long but that just shows you how many excuses I had to bludgeon to get here. Thus,

  • share incomplete thoughts
  • share works-in-progress (including myself)
  • share my mistakes and bad art
  • have no readers and do it anyway
  • be super serious (or not)
  • be super frivolous (or not)
  • get things wrong
  • have fun with it
  • post more than once a week if I feel so inclined
  • share my experiments
  • keep secrets
  • do it imperfectly
  • skip a week as needed
  • post crappy photos

Now I'm out of excuses.

♥ Ciara Kay

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